
We’re hiring! BTV is looking for an Assistant Analyst. This is a paid position, in a part-time contract role, looking to start as soon as possible. Job responsibilities: *Update major-league player valuations: input data into models, update the back end of the website. Some analysis is involved in the process. *Update minor-league player valuations, keeping track of updates from public evaluators: input data into models, update the back end of the website. *Write or contribute to...

According to our model, the Top 10 relievers by trade value are: [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="8377"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="8688"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="9297"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="8549"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="8753"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="9036"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="7776"] [baseball-trade-values-player-link...

Who has the lowest trade value among all players? This is the flip side of our recent article on the highest-value players. You also may have noticed that we have a section of our site called Highest/Lowest, which ranks every player according to their trade value. (Although the page loads by default page from highest to lowest, you can reverse the order by clicking on the arrow next to the median value.) On it, you can see that the 10 players with the lowest trade value are, in order...

Who has the highest trade value among all players? One section of our site you may not have noticed is our Highest/Lowest page, which ranks every player according to their trade value. On it, you can see that the Top 10 players with the highest trade value based on our model are, in order: 1. [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="7496"] 2. [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="7749"] 3. [baseball-trade-values-player-link player="9460"] 4. [baseball-trade-values-player-link...

Due to the baseball stoppage amidst the global pandemic, the 2020 baseball season hasn’t yet begun, which means that we’re still, awkwardly, in offseason mode. It’s like the party guest who wouldn’t leave at 2 am. But: It’s given us a bit of a breather here at BTV to do some catch-up work and reflect on how our model performed during the offseason, and to re-test it based on some new inputs. Here’s an update on all of that. Testing our model First,...
- AngelsAstrosAthleticsBlue JaysBottom 50BrewersCardinalsCubsDiamondbacksDodgersExplaining valuationsFAQsFarm system rankingsGiantsGuardiansIndiansJuly 2019June 2019Least ValuableMarinersMarlinsMetsNationalsNon-tendersOffseasonOriolesPadresPhilliesPiratesRangersRaysRed SoxRedsRockiesRoster RevampRoyalsScorecardTeamsTigersTrade DeadlineTwinsUncategorizedValuing the trade chipsWhite SoxYankees