
The Oakland (soon to be Sacramento) Athletics are one of the most clear-cut sellers for this upcoming deadline. That makes them ripe for the picking for contenders, as the A’s are likely to be open to parting with any and everyone not named Zack Gelof. There are a select few pieces from the A’s that contenders may find particularly interesting (one, J.D. Davis, has already been traded to the Yankees). All surplus-value numbers below are in $ millions. The Big...

by Jacob Taylor After a few years developing a reputation as a bit of a front office golden boy with the A’s and Dodgers, Farhan Zaidi took the job of President of Baseball Operations with the Giants in November 2018. He brought with him a reputation for being highly analytical, and he was expected to leverage that mindset in a value-conscious way. But has he? His team enjoyed one standout season, 2021, that, in retrospect, was driven largely by the old core of aging...
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