Rays & Cardinals

Submitted by: ShaquilleOatmeal


Dylan Carlson25MajorsOFHigh2.

Total Value:



Taylor Walls28MajorsUTILSSMedium3.47.84.932.433.6

Total Value:


General Manager Badge

Get this fucking cunt off my team.

General Manager Badge

Trade him to San Fran for cash considerations.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

I don’t like this comment…let’s please not turn the comments into an area of….well post like this, and create a need for a moderator.🧑‍⚖️

General Manager Badge

No one asked your opinion.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

When you post, you are asking for opinions

General Manager Badge

Wrong. I'm inviting discussion. You telling me my comment is unacceptable is the opposite of discussion. Fuck Taylor Walls and his nazi salute. Fuck you for saying I can't discuss my thoughts on it.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

You know and understand exactly what is wrong with your post. Why are you being so childish about what you did? Grow up, become a man and learn how to discuss and express your opinions without such vulgar language and insulting your audience.

General Manager Badge

You MAGAts can all fuck off. I watched in real time on January 6th as thousands stormed our capitol in hopes of overturning a free election, by any means possible. I am certain they would have executed any democratic member of congress they came across. I watched Donald Trump plan and execute this coup, and then call those in prison "polititcal prisoners" and vow to make martyrs of them by pardoning them all. When Taylor Walls threw his hand up in solidarity with that on the baseball field, he lost any of my support. He's a motherfucker, a cunt, every bad word I've eve known. And any of you MAGAts that have a problem with that, blow me. If I can't fake trade Taylor Walls because he's a cocksucker motherfucker without some gutless MAGA piece of shit having a problem with it, then I'll forfeit my membership. I can't describe how little I care what gutless assholes think of me and my language. There aren't strong enough words to describe those that seek to overthrow our democracy.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

My oh my, talk about showing your true colors…..seek professional help young man

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

Anytime you want to travel to Maine let me know, I’ll be more then happy to introduce myself to you, I’m sure it would be an experience of a lifetime for you, you spineless little boy.

General Manager Badge

Oh, look at this tough guy!!! Calling Taylor Walls a cunt is over the line, but threatening physical violence because of it is okay. Fuck you, you fucking cunt.

General Manager Badge

"I'm from Maine" is like the weakest fucking tough guy line I think I've ever heard. You MAGAts are all the same. Wannabes that think you're John Wayne, but are actually worried about getting your rhinestone cowboy boots dirty. I'm 6'4" and a former D1 athlete. Trust me sweetie, ain't nobody is afraid of your Maine ass. I'll give you a 14 kaboot. That's when I take my size 14 boot, and stick it straight up your sorry ass. Bitch ass pussy.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

What threat of violence? I said I would introduce myself to you and that it would be the experience of a lifetime for you. You weak minded spineless little boy.