Subscribe to Access Our Trade Simulator

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We'll now be updating player values every week, visible to all subscribers.

Imagine you’re the GM of your favorite team. Who would you like to trade for? Who on your team would you trade to get him? Just pick the teams and players, and our simulator will match up the values. When you’re done, post it to our trade board and see what others think. Non-subscribers can see only two featured teams; Pro subscribers can see all teams. Front Office and GM subscribers can see all teams and use premium features. This week's featured teams: Orioles and White Sox.

First, decide if it’s a two-team or three-team trade. Then click on the drop-down arrow to the right of “Select team.” You can then choose players to be traded from each team’s tab by clicking on the arrow to the left of each player’s name. The names and values will appear in their new teams’ boxes at the top. Subscribers can use the Value Matcher as a shortcut to find similarly valued players, instead of going team by team.

When you feel good about your trade proposal, click on “validate trade” to see if it would be realistic enough to be accepted. If it is, you can post it to our trade board and see what other users think of it. (Make sure you create an account before you do that step.) If you change your mind, you can clear the trade and start over.


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You can also add cash to this trade -- but no more than the total salary amount.
